Tutkittua tietoa apikosmetiikasta

Tälle sivulle kootaan tieteellisiä julkaisuita sekä muita hyviä lähteitä apikosmetiikkaan tai siihen läheisesti liittyvistä tutkimuksista (mm. mehiläispesän tuotteet / apituotteet). Julkaisut löytyvät tästä aakkosjärjestyksessä (ei paremmuusjärjestyksessä) ja ovat pääosin englanninkielisiä.

Sopivia lähteitä saa myös ehdottaa ylläpidolle. Yhteystiedot löydät omalta sivultaan.

BILDIR, B., DEMİRKAN, Z. and Bülent, K.A.Y.A., 2022. Biosynthesis, Characterization and Determination of Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of Iron Nanoparticles With Bee BreadTürk Doğa ve Fen Dergisi11(3), pp.110-117.

Dumitru, C.D., Neacsu, I.A., Grumezescu, A.M. and Andronescu, E., 2022. Bee-derived products: Chemical composition and applications in skin tissue engineering. Pharmaceutics14(4), p.750.

Gupta, R.K. and Stangaciu, S., 2014. Apitherapy: holistic healing through the honeybee and bee products in countries with poor healthcare system. In Beekeeping for poverty alleviation and livelihood security (pp. 413-446). Springer, Dordrecht.

Han, S.M., Lee, K.G. and Pak, S.C., 2013. Effects of cosmetics containing purified honeybee (Apis mellifera L.) venom on acne vulgarisJournal of integrative medicine11(5), pp.320-326.

Hellner, M., Winter, D., von Georgi, R. and Münstedt, K., 2008. Apitherapy: Usage and experience in German beekeepersEvidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine5, pp.475-479.

Kieliszek, M., Piwowarek, K., Kot, A.M., Błażejak, S., Chlebowska-Śmigiel, A. and Wolska, I., 2018. Pollen and bee bread as new health-oriented products: A review. Trends in Food Science & Technology71, pp.170-180.

Kohno, K., Okamoto, I., Sano, O., Arai, N., Iwaki, K., Ikeda, M. and Kurimoto, M., 2004. Royal jelly inhibits the production of proinflammatory cytokines by activated macrophagesBioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry68(1), pp.138-145.

Kopała, E., Kuźnicka, E. and Balcerak, M., 2019. Survey of consumer preferences on the bee product market. Part 2. Bee productsAnnals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences-SGGW. Animal Science58, pp.223-227.

Kostić, A.Ž., Milinčić, D.D., Tešić, Ž.L. and Pešić, M.B., 2022. Bee pollen in cosmetics: The chemical point of view. In Bee Products and Their Applications in the Food and Pharmaceutical Industries (pp. 261-282). Academic Press.

Kowalczuk, I., Gębski, J., Stangierska, D. and Szymańska, A., 2023. Determinants of Honey and other bee products use for culinary, cosmetic, and medical purposesNutrients15(3), p.737.

Krell, R., 1996. Value-added products from beekeeping (No. 124). Food & Agriculture Org..

Kurek-Górecka, A., Górecki, M., Rzepecka-Stojko, A., Balwierz, R. and Stojko, J., 2020. Bee products in dermatology and skin careMolecules25(3), p.556.

Mizrahi, A. and Lensky, Y. eds., 2013. Bee products: properties, applications, and apitherapy. Springer Science & Business Media.

Montano-Perez, K. and Vargas-Albores, F., 2002. Antimicrobial peptides: A defense mechanism with ample future. Interciencia27(1), pp.21-27.

Nainu, F., Masyita, A., Bahar, M.A., Raihan, M., Prova, S.R., Mitra, S., Emran, T.B. and Simal-Gandara, J., 2021. Pharmaceutical prospects of bee products: Special focus on anticancer, antibacterial, antiviral, and antiparasitic propertiesAntibiotics10(7), p.822.

Pavlačková, J., Egner, P., Slavík, R., Mokrejš, P. and Gál, R., 2020. Hydration and barrier potential of cosmetic matrices with bee productsMolecules25(11), p.2510.

Stewart, J.A., McGrane, O.L. and Wedmore, I.S., 2014. Wound care in the wilderness: is there evidence for honey?Wilderness & environmental medicine25(1), pp.103-110.

Tanuğur Samancı, A.E. and Kekeçoğlu, M., 2022. Development of a cream formulation containing bee venom and other bee products. Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology21(10), pp.4913-4920.

Waykar, B. and Alqadhi, Y.A., 2016. Beekeeping and bee products; boon for human health and wealthIndian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biological Research4(3), p.20.

Weis, W.A., Ripari, N., Conte, F.L., da Silva Honorio, M., Sartori, A.A., Matucci, R.H. and Sforcin, J.M., 2022. An overview about apitherapy and its clinical applicationsPhytomedicine plus2(2), p.100239.

Xi, X., Li, J., Guo, S., Li, Y., Xu, F., Zheng, M., Cao, H., Cui, X., Guo, H. and Han, C., 2018. The potential of using bee pollen in cosmetics: a review. Journal of Oleo Science67(9), pp.1071-1082.